It's interesting to see the predictions for B2B cross-border transactions on the blockchain. In 2025, we will be approaching 2B, led by Asia with 745MM and Europe with 466MM.

How many such transactions do you think will have been confirmed on the Core Blockchain by 2025?

Significant progress in the EU crypto framework:

1. "To counter money-laundering risks the ESMA should set up a public register for non-compliant CASPs"
We welcome all CASPs and strongly advise them to make it easier across the EU, all you need is CorePass for your clients.

Yesterday's incident caused by Cloudflare's issues that paralyzed most websites in the world, including the largest crypto exchanges such as
FTX or BitMEX proved that we need to act!

The only way is to bring the world a new Internet 2.0 / Web 4.0 /

🌐CorePass has a great future ahead of it, as it is a tool that can change the transparency of cryptocurrency exchanges forever, as well as many other services.

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