
Hey, community! How are you? :coretalk:

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My question to you is after 5 years is 300000 CTN destructive?
Will XCB be on the CMC and Koin Gekko this year?

@kabukimono What do you mean by "destructive"?

Of course, both XCB and CTN will be at CMC + CoinGecko this year.


Sorry about the analogy.
very rich person

The Japanese comunity is also very heated.
Keep up the good work!

@kabukimono I look forward that we have such a great community in Japan, greet everyone! You are all amazing.

@kabukimono @matejkoreny man Im thinking I will be rich with 10k CTN, you will be rich rich with that amount.

@matejkoreny we are great today, and you? How do your developers feel?
is here possible to have a chat like conversation or only through post's?

@Stefanivanovic I'm fine, thank you, the developers are also excited because everything works flawlessly. Of course, we are building more and more use cases :). When you click on a user, you can send him a direct message.

@matejkoreny Hi, Everything's good. I'm waiting Pingexchange experience.

Hi, hello. So many Japanese friends join in today.

@matejkoreny All good, busy catching the rabbit. :D

Excited to see what happens over the next weeks to months!

I hope you and the team are good too!


@matejkoreny My name is Hitoyohitoyoni and I am the deputy administrator of a community of 800 people. I have been reading Telegram for a long time and always look forward to the core listings. The community has been especially excited recently, and I can tell you that everyone is looking forward to the listing. Sometimes we even have dirty jokes while having fun!😆

@Hitoyohitoyoni Hey! Nice to meet you! Thanks for your work. Please say hello to all your members :)

@matejkoreny Hi, thanks for the reply.
I have passed this on to the community members. They are all very excited.
Looking forward to the listing.🚀🚀🚀
Please take care of yourself.
See you soon!👋

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