
I wonder if there are people watching here?

Core Talk has few users.
What is the position of this SNS in the Core project?

I want to finish my work. And make a utility service for Core.

@rastislav Do you have a public API that allows you to access CoreTalk?
Or do you have any plans?

The appearance and functions of SNS are based on twitter.
How does the operation plan to acquire new users? I'm looking forward to the future.

Core is a new project, but I haven't encountered any bugs so far.
I think this is amazing.
Let's read the code from github later...!

kasuga boosted

Exploring New York with an ORB i2 proving PoDE! A few people were staring at me🐰

@rastislav WoW!!
I'm looking forward to the development!

kasuga boosted

@kabukimono What do you mean by "destructive"?

Of course, both XCB and CTN will be at CMC + CoinGecko this year.

Is this post managed by the blockchain?🤔

Core ◆ Talk

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