Hi Rasti, unfortunately I couldn't meet you on the 12th of January when I was there at the office. I hope you feel better now?!! Someone from the Dutch community group has a question.
He is curious how Core will set up the new way of communicating outside the existing network of radio signals, land stations, satellites, etc. by transfering data over sea. Or does Core use the same existing network? Can you answer that very briefly? Because I know how busy you are. Thank you so much 🙏🙏

@rastislav this was a very very nice interview from you and the other members of the team. I love to know you more by this interview. Thank you! I didn't know you are a Slowakian ( I think I mis spel it .. forgive me). I thought you are a Russian because you have blond hair. And by the way .. I understand now how much knowledge you have about blockchains, crypto's and applications. Thank you!! 🙏

@ElsAW I think soon is months and next few weeks is 2 weeks??? I don't know what the definition is for soon and the next weeks according to Core 🤔

@ElsAW oh Spain yes! Stupid me 😊 I though it was Portugal. Cool to move in 1-2 months 🙏🎉🎊

@ElsAW already moved to Portugal? Thinking of you ... I hope to do the same ... soon 😉

Lets rock and roll!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Very very very ... did I already said very? ... nice teaser 😉🥰

@JANSCHOENMAKER that is an amazing mindset ❤️ now you can go for the very very big car .. and I know which car 😉

Who want to dream small? Then you get a little pony 😂😂😂

Is this community on the Core blockchain?

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