The sunset over the Sea of Japan from an unnamed beach is the most beautiful🌅 :ctn:


Ichifuji Nitaka San Nasubi (一富士二鷹三茄子) is a proverb that lists in order the things that are said to bring good luck when seen in the first dream. Fuji means "immortality" or "safety," hawk means "high," and eggplant means "accomplishment.😘

Thanks for the Japanese twitter account! We followed this as soon as we could. All the community members are excited👍

@matejkoreny Hello! I watched the live stream of your team in the Japanese community. Everyone is very excited. As you know, Japanese people are not good at English. lol
I am sure that the team will not only be convinced of the technical superiority of the technology, but will also spread a big wave in the existence of cryptocurrency, which will be required from now on in the environment. I will let you know that many holders from Japan are watching over the core team. Thank you 👍

@matejkoreny Hi, thanks for the reply.
I have passed this on to the community members. They are all very excited.
Looking forward to the listing.🚀🚀🚀
Please take care of yourself.
See you soon!👋

@matejkoreny My name is Hitoyohitoyoni and I am the deputy administrator of a community of 800 people. I have been reading Telegram for a long time and always look forward to the core listings. The community has been especially excited recently, and I can tell you that everyone is looking forward to the listing. Sometimes we even have dirty jokes while having fun!😆

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