@rastislav Nice good evening I have a question because I can not afford an Orbi and my computer is too weak to do mining I came up with the idea to mine with an X Box Series X. Is this possible?

@mcs good to you are mentioning that. Actually I did some research for PS and Nintendo. The challenge is to overcome the protection what app can do. Anyway that solution is still in research.

@rastislav So minning while playing. That would be interesting.

@mcs Yes. Indeed. But Blockchain integration as well. That will unlock Dapps there.


@rastislav One question is the possibility to do the mining via the mobile phone so via an APP as with PI Mining with Intigrierte Wallet.

@mcs Right now we have Linux miner but later on it can be extended. Tricky part is get good hash rate. So far Linux miner is the best.

@rastislav I have a question about mining. I don't need an ORB works with the computer. Since the whole thing runs on Linux basis, I can also do my mining on the LG OLED TV which runs on Linux basis. So just an idea that would mean while I e.g. Watching Netflix I can mine. That would be a blast.

@mcs for now small IoT device is available for that use case. But we will integrate more as producers will allow it.

@rastislav Question in the round will Ting also work 😉 on the x Box Series x

@mcs we are planning plenty of integrations starting with web version. Then I can run it basically in lot of web browsers. X box has probably one as well. But more platforms will be supported soon.

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