Nice mini-documentary about the projects and layer-1 powered applications. :core: 💚

Great testing with Akiba
This is the future — Join your future. Take control of your identity.

Any λ on the blockchain is better than δ on the server.

Which case you are preferring?
🐪 camelCase
🅿️ PascalCase
🐍 snake_case
🍢 kebab-case

4. The formula to calculate the reward is as follows (in most PoW pools):

Your reward = 5 XCB × (1 - pool fee) × (your scoring hashrate / pool scoring hashrate)

Decentralization is on all levels - even in the pools themselves.

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3. Some pools feed this address with additional rewards or even with custom structures.

Then, the total amounts in Tx ≠ total amounts in the Blockchain. ⬇️

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2. In practical use, mining pools are accumulating amounts in the "payout wallet" and redistribute rewards (which can be optional). CatchThatRabbit pool has the following payout address:
Accumulating coins from rewards to pay to the miners. ⬇️

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How the mining pool work (in short):
1. A block reward is an incentive that miners get when they approve a transaction.
It consists of two components:
- Block subsidy
- Transaction fees
A newly created block is not considered a transaction - you cannot see it in the Tx list. ⬇️

Thank you, friend. 🤝 All of us as well as the public are free to spread the reach. We will do our best to enable you the opportunities. Welcome to the team! 🟢💫🙌

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